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Curriculum Implementation


Our curriculum is led by thematic learning topics in history and geography which reflect the rich heritage of our school and locality.  Schemes of work have been carefully selected from a range of high-quality providers and mapped to maximise opportunities for the development of schema.  Further detail on the specific learning is organised across our long-term plans for each subject.  Learning is organised to complement and enhance the history and geography unit where possible, while ensuring an in-depth coverage of all national curriculum programmes of study.

Our 7-year curriculum provides a broad and detailed focus on all curriculum subjects and is interleaved to ensure pupils revisit key knowledge concepts as they move through EYFS, KS1 and KS2.  

The school gives a high priority to the development of substantive ‘core’ knowledge combined with the opportunity to apply this through proficiency in disciplinary knowledge concepts.  Our approaches in each subject take account of the latest research, informed by the Ofsted Research Review Series.  Individual subjects also have their own specific Intent, Implementation and Impact to reflect the unique nature of learning in that discipline.  

There are frequent opportunities for pupils to recall and demonstrate their learning through retrieval practice at the start of lessons and the beginning and end of units.

Each half-term, a ‘Super Learning’ event brings learning to life for a chosen subject (e.g. author visit, archaeological visit linked to recent Stone Age discoveries at nearby country park).  

Learning units conclude with a purposeful celebration event or endpoint task designed to enable pupils to apply their learning over a unit.  There is a clearly defined knowledge base for each unit to ensure learning is built progressively from year to year.

For details of the specific schemes of work and learning units please see the long-term plans for each subject.