Mission Statement
‘Striving for Excellence Together’
School Aims and Values
At Elizabeth Woodville Primary School we work together to provide a supportive and stimulating learning environment, which enables every child to succeed.
We nurture natural curiosity for learning by offering a range of creative learning opportunities, based on the needs of our children, with progress and partnership being key.
Our passion lies in developing happy, motivated, independent, confident learners who reach their full potential.
Aims & Values |
Achievement and Standards |
- Become highly motivated and active life-long learners
- Be able to work independently and collaboratively
- Gain advanced technological skills
- Achieve high standards in all areas
Personal Development and Well-Being |
- Develop lively enquiring minds and a spirit of curiosity
- Have high self-esteem through respect for themselves, others and the environment
- Communicate effectively
- Develop a strong awareness of their own health and well-being
High Quality Curriculum |
- Have staff who provide high quality teaching and learning experiences
- Provide an exciting, inspirational and challenging curriculum, which meets the needs of our children and statutory requirements.
- Ensure pupils have an understanding of the wider world, work and economics
Leadership & Management |
- Have an ethos of support, challenge and encouragement to succeed
- Promote strong partnerships between home, school, other services and the community
- To give a clear direction and purpose which is translated into clear targets
Premises |
- Provide a stimulating learning environment
- Have a rich, varied and up-to-date range of learning resources
- To utilise new and emerging technologies to support pupils in embracing the future