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Key Information


Elizabeth Woodville Primary School recognises that positive behaviour and good attendance are central to raising standards and pupil attainment. 

Regular attendance:

  • promotes children’s welfare and safeguarding;
  • ensures every pupil has access to the full-time education to which they are entitled;
  • enable pupils to have access to the widest possible range of opportunities when they leave school.


The role parents play

We value our partnership with parents in ensuring children attend well each day and reach their full potential.  It is a parent or carer's legal responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly and arrives on time each day.


How you can help:

  • Be prepared with term dates to ensure your child is ready for school.  Our school term dates are published here
  • Our school gates open at 8:35am and registration takes place at 8:45am please ensure your child is at school on time and ready to learn.
  • Pupils start learning straight away, spelling tests and reading interventions are often carried out first thing in the morning when minds are fresh. Late pupils can disrupt important learning.
  • Where possible, make medical appointments outside of school hours to reduce the disruption to learning.
  • Think about illness absences. Your child can attend school with minor ailments such as toothache, headache, colds and sore throats. The school will contact you if your child becomes too ill to remain at school.  The UK Health Security Agency guidance ‘Should I keep my child off school?’ provides some helpful advice for parents.
  • If your child has diarrhoea or vomiting please do not send them to school, they should not return to school until 48 hours after the last episode or symptom.
  • Be aware of our attendance policy (see below).
  • Keep in regular contact, we have a dedicated telephone line for absence reporting.
  • Discuss attendance problems with teachers before they become a worry. We will do all we can to help.
  • If your child fails to attend school regularly, you may be guilty of a criminal offence and this could result in a prosecution.


How we support attendance at school

  • We have a dedicated absence line for reporting pupil absences.
  • The school office will text or call if a child’s absence is not reported by 9:30am.
  • Our teachers are available for any minor worries your child may have with morning transition.
  • Breakfast club is a fun way for your child to start the day. We provide a healthy breakfast and booking is available for parents who need to drop off from 7:15am (subject to pupil number limit).
  • Only exceptional circumstances for absence will be authorised during term time.
  • Our Senior Attendance Champion will contact parents whose children have less than 95% attendance. This may be by letter or telephone.
  • For pupils with attendance under 90% we may request proof for medical absences such as appointment letters, or prescriptions.
  • All children with under 90% attendance will be regularly monitored by the Senior Attendance Champion and offered support, with the aim to increase attendance.
  • Elizabeth Woodville Primary School follows National and Local authority guidance and Penalty Notices will be actioned for term time holidays. For further details about Leicestershire County Council guidance and penalty notice information please see the following link:


Senior Attendance Champion: Mrs Victoria Robinson, Deputy Headteacher

To contact Mrs Robinson regarding questions regarding attendance:

Telephone:  absence line 0116 2876050

Email: Using Attendance as the subject header.

Please leave your contact details and a short explanation of your query.