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Our Parent and Teacher Association

Who are we?

We’re enthusiastic (most of the time!) parents and teachers who like to get the school community together to have fun and raise money for resources for the children. There are around nine of us who meet regularly, but we’re supported by more parents who volunteer their time at events. See our Who’s Who?

What do we do?

We meet twice a term to plan events and look at the best way our funds can be used. We organise regular annual events such as the summer fair, Christmas fair, discos and Easter bingo. We also try to fit in other fundraisers such as treasure hunts, movie nights and quizzes. You can see our events by clicking on this link:

PTA Instagram page:

What does the money we raise get spent on?

The money raised at our events (thanks to your generosity and support) is spent on a wide range of things for the school and the children. We work with the teachers to identify what equipment/resources are needed and aim to raise enough to buy it or at least contribute to it.

In recent years, the PTA has paid for or contributed to:

  • Our fantastic new-look playground
  • iPads used by all classes
  • Visualisers
  • Digital cameras
  • Playground equipment
  • Reading and library books
  • Dining tables
  • School branded sports kits
  • Outdoor classroom

There are also regular costs which we cover, such as the coaches for school residential trips.

How can I help?

There are lots of ways you can help:

  • Come along to the events.
  • Follow our Facebook page (Elizabeth Woodville PTA) 
  • Sign up to the Giving Machine – retailers give us a donation every time you make an online purchase with them. Visit the site and sign up here.
  • Donate prizes to the raffles we hold.
  • If you can spare some time, help us out at the events – we always need a hand with the stalls at the fairs and with the children's discos.
  • Perhaps you could help with planning events.
  • Come along to our meetings – there are two a term. 

We would love to hear from you. If you have any questions or require more information then please email us on