Elizabeth Woodville Primary School is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All staff share this commitment. The Health & Safety of all our children is paramount.
The school provides a safe, secure and caring environment in which their children can flourish. To meet this expectation, we closely follow our school’s Safeguarding & Child Protection policy and Health & Safety policy. Details of these policies can be found in the policies section of the website.
At Elizabeth Woodville Primary School we have a strong commitment to E-Safety. All our pupils are taught about keeping safe as a regular part of our curriculum. We embrace the use of technology at school and ensure that our pupils not only master the skills of using this technology, but most importantly the knowledge and awareness of how to keep themselves safe while doing so.
To find out more about e-safety at Elizabeth Woodville please see our policies and our parents e-safety page.
Operation Encompass Safeguarding Statement
Our school is part of Operation Encompass.
Operation Encompass is a national police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children who experience Domestic Abuse. Operation Encompass is in place in every police force in England and Wales.
Children were recognised as victims of domestic abuse in their own right in the 2021 Domestic Abuse Act. Operation Encompass means that the police will share information with our school about all police attended domestic abuse incidents which involve any of our children PRIOR to the start of the next school day. The notification informs us about the context of the incident and includes the Voice of the Child.
The Operation Encompass notification is stored in line with all other confidential safeguarding and child protection information.